
Saturday, December 4

Persistence of Memory by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes Review

Enjoyment: ☺☺☼

Plot: ☺☺☺☼

Characters: ☺☺☼

Setting: ☺☺☺

Overall: ☺☺

Sixteen-year-old Erin Misrahe just wants to be like everyone else in her new school. But Erin has more to worry about than passing AP Chemistry or making friends. In times of stress, she has always been overcome by her alter ego, Shevaun, whose violent behavior wreaks havoc on those around her. Erin can never remember anything about these episodes, and she's grateful to have been spared them for a while.

But when a protective friend comes back into Erin's life, he insists that Shevaun is a vampire who actually exists apart from Erin. Shevaun has dangerous allies, like the handsome witch Adjila - and they're determined to sever Shevaun's connection to Erin once and for all.

There was something about this prevented me from really enjoying it. It was really not like her other books which though now that I am older seem more juvenile than the first time. However this book was rushed to me.

I was also getting extremely sick after the third time that I was forced to listen to how someone who looked so "innocent and cute" could be so vicious. Another thing that I disliked was all the coincidences though out the whole story. I realize that in every book there are "coincidence" that help to move the plot along. They are called plot devices. Yet I dislike when every little thing that happens in this book happened to be plot devices.

I could also not stand Shevaun. She was supposedly hundreds of years old. She was made a vampire sometime during the fall of the Byzintine Empire and yet she acted like a spoiled teen on the eve of her sweet sixteen. And I am talking about the spoiled brats that you see on the old Sweet Sixteen show. The only way that she differed from them was that instead of running to daddy she automatically threatened to kill them. Her "girls" were no better.

This was not one of my favorite of her books. On a good note I really liked Sassy.


  1. I didn't like this book very much either. I agree, it did seem rushed. Almost like it wasn't fully developed yet. I didn't like the female characters, but I did like the male characters, especially the vampire (whose name I can't remember now).

  2. @Small Review ~From the many reviews I have read about this book people either love it or hate it. I really liked the first two of her Kiesha'ra series but not the rest of them. And even though the sequel of Shattered Mirror called All Just Glass is said to be not as good as the first I really want to read it.


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