
Thursday, December 30

InuYasha Vol. 2~ Rumiko Yakahashi

Enjoyment: ☺☺☺☼

Plot: ☺☺☺

Characters: ☺☺☺

Setting: ☺☺☺☼

Overall: ☺☺☺

Kagome is a modern Japanese high school girl. She has always been the sort who never really believed in myths and legends, until one day when a hideous, otherworldly creature pulls her out of her own world and into Japan's ancient past! There she discovers more than a few of those dusty old legends are true, and her destiny is linked to one legendary creature in particular--a dog like half-demon called Inuyasha!That same trick of fate also ties both of them to the Shikon Jewel, or "Jewel of Four Souls," the smallest shard of which can gift the user with unimaginable power.

Family Matters

Now that Inuyasha is bound by a spell to Kagome, he also has to help her find the shattered pieces of the jewel. But that's not the only challenge these two will face--the half-demon Inuyasha has a personal battle to fight, against his own half-brother, Sessho-Maru!


I freely admit to all that before I picked this book up from the library where I had put it on hold that I got impatient and looked up the anime online. Where I proceeded to watch hours upon hours of the show. Way too much to be considered healthy. That said I had already known what would happen before I started to read. Yet I will admit I was curious as to whether or not I would like the book as much or more than I did depending on the order that it was read in. I came to the conclusion that while reading is satisfying and fun that watching the anime is easier. It always seems that when you are looking for the volume that you happen to be on that is the one that the library or store is fresh out of. But the ones that you have finished or are not on yet are always over stocked. I think that it is required for everyone to seemingly be reading the same volume as you. I bet they have a scanner and they can tell what book you are looking for and then they take them all and hide them in the back of the store. Another reason that I like the anime more is because while there is a healthy amount of pages it just takes too long for anything to happen.

On to the actual plot. If you read the summary I have to admit that it is very straight forward. This book like the book before it does end on a cliffhanger though so make sure you have volume three ready to read next to you.

My favorite character has to be Sesshomaru. He is just awesome. Although this opinion does stem from watching ahead. So if I was to pick my favorite character and I was only allowed to use this one book I would say that my favorite character is Inuyasha with Kaede as a very close second. I like Inuyasha because he is funny and while he can be dense he is not half bad. Kaede is just hilarious. I love how she is so mean to Inuyasha. Kagome is okay but it is slightly irritating how she gets so mad at Inuyasha for the smallest things. I can't remember if this is in this volume or others.

This is a good read and probably a good series for people who are just starting out reading manga. The first is obviously Sailor Moon. I loved Sailor Moon when I was growing up and they actually played in on the television. I remember the little blue robot in the spaceship that told me that it was on next. Wow I miss the shows that played when I was younger.


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