
Monday, December 6

InuYasha Vol. 1~ Rumiko Takahashi Review

Enjoyment: ☺☺☺

Plot: ☺☺☺☼

Characters: ☺☺☺

Setting: ☺☺☺☼

Overall: ☺☺☺☼

Kagome is a modern Japanese high school girl. She has always been the sort who never really believed in myths and legends, even though her grandfather is obsessed with old stories, and everything around her seems to have a legend attached to it. But that all changes one day when a hideous, otherworldly creature pulls her out of her own world and into Japan's ancient past! There she discovers more than a few of those dusty old legends are true, and her destiny is linked to one legendary creature in particular--a doglike half-demon called Inuyasha!

Turning Back Time

Once in the past, Kagome discovers that she wasn't pulled into the past by accident--her very life is linked to the events of hundreds of years past by the mystical Shikon Jewel, or "Jewel of Four Souls." Is Kagome really the reincarnation of the priestess who once guarded the jewel? The same one who nearly killed Inuyasha?

As the first book of a very long manga series I can see this being the first book. It is short and to the point but I since this is more of an introductory book that is okay. I hope that the second book has a bit more to it. The reason that I say this is because it has absolutely nothing besides what it says in the summary in it. It is almost scene for scene accurate. So far I like where the story is going though.

I first heard about this book at school. I saw a girl reading it and I thought that it looked interesting but within ten minutes I forgot all about it. There were a few more times that I have seen this book at the library but they have never been in possession of the first one. A few days ago while I was at the library I decided to check for the heck of it and I saw that they did have the first one but not the second one. On a lark I picked it up.

It shows promise and luckily I put the second on hold earlier so it is waiting for me at the library to pick up tomorrow. And since you can find out all that happened just from the summary I have nothing more to add.


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