
Friday, December 31

Crusade by Nancy Holder

Enjoyment: ☺☼

Plot: ☺☺

Characters: ☺☺☼

Setting: ☺☺

Overall: ☺☺

Title: Crusade
Author(s): Nancy Holder, Debbie Viguie
Publication: Simon Pulse (2010)
Pages: Hardcover- 480
Series: Book 1
Subjects: Vampires, Guerrilla Warfare, Supernatural, Sisters, Horror


The ultimate battle.
The ultimate love.

For the past two years Jenn has lived and trained at Spain's Sacred Heart Academy against the Cursed Ones. She is among the few who have pledged to defend humanity or die trying. But the vampires are gaining power, and the battle has only just begun.

Forced to return home after a death takes a member of her family, Jen discovers that San Francisco is now a vampire stronghold. As a lone hunter apart from her team, Jen is isolated--and at risk. She craves the company of her fighting partner, Antonio: his protection, his reassurance, his touch. But a relationship with Antonio comes with its own dangers, and the more they share of themselves, the more Jenn stands to lose.

Then Jenn is betrayed by one who was once bound to protect her, causing her to doubt all she has held true. To survive Jenn must find the courage to trust herself--and her heart.


2011 is just hours away and I want to finish my 2010 reviews. Don't be surprised if you find that these ones are a bit abrupt and not up to par. But I have an off the hook party to get to tonight. I will be watching movies. Me and my mother picked out Easy A and The Return of Nanny McPhee. Not too crazy but it is what we do. I am not big on drinking or partying. I like clean wholesome fun.

To the book. There is no other way to say that I hated it. I disliked the way everyone decided that vampires were bad. I felt that it was humans fault that they were at war. Americans are the ones that declared war. Also it was only a group of vampires who were evil. The reason that everyone decided to become vampire hunters seemed pathetic. Jen bugged me. My favorite character had to be Jenn's sister. I can not remember her name but she was the least annoying.

The plot. Vampires are bad and we need to kill them. Watch me kill them and get my family in danger by yelling out to the rooftops how bad vampires are. Let's forget about underground movements, I want the fast, strong, and powerful in the political sense hear all of my talk against them.


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