Enjoyment: ☺☺☺☺☼
Plot: ☺☺☺☺
Characters: ☺☺☺☺☼
Setting: ☺☺☺☺☺
Overall: ☺☺☺☺☼
In a time of deadly crises, Linden alone has the power to save her people.
The faeries of the Oak are in danger of extinction, and their only hope for survival rests in fifteen-year-old Linden. Armed with the last of her people's magic, she travels bravely into the modern human world. Along the way she makes a reluctant ally - a human boy named Timothy.
Soon Linden and Timothy discover a danger much worse than Oakenfolk's loss of magic: a ptent evil that threatens to enslave faeries and humans alike. In a fevered, desperate chase across the country, Tim and Linden must risk their lives to seek an ancient power before it's too late to save everyone they love.
R. J. Anderson has artfully crafted a world of stunning magic, trilling adventure, and delicate beauty, where the key to the future is in a unexpected, forbidden friendship.
Their are not many things that I disliked about the book Wayfarer but if I had to choose one of the would be the really hard to pronounce names. I can barely pronounce every English word correctly I don't really like how they felt the need to throw harder languages at me. On the other hand the really annoying unpronounceable words went very far in making the myths surrounding the faeries more real for me.
I thought that Linden was interesting and believable in her portrayal of knowing a lot about the human world but still retaining the values that she grew up with as a faery in a giant tree. I would love to go on and on about every little minute detail that I liked about this book but if I did I would be giving so many spoilers for the book that no one would be all that surprised when they read the book and it could end up being a let down.
Another thing that I loved about the book was how real the faeries turned out to be. Many of the weaknesses and strengths that the author used for them are also used for our own folklore about faeries too. She also brings a healthy love for the country that she was born in to the book (Uganda). I really hope that this is not the last book to this story because there are many loose ends that were not tied up and without a continuation this book to me will forever be incomplete. As well a a waste of amazingly characterized people who I really want to read more about soon.
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