Enjoyment: ☺☺☺☺
Plot: ☺☺☺☼
Characters: ☺☺☺☺☼
Setting: ☺☺☺☺
Overall: ☺☺☺☺
Love is the best revenge.
It's been centuries since Isabeau St. Croix survived the French Revolution. Now she's made her way back to the living, and she must face the ultimate test by confronting the evil British lord who turned her into a vampire and left her buried for two hundred years . . . That's if she can control her affection for Logan Drake, a vampire whose bite is as sweet as the revenge she seeks.
When I first saw that this book would have nothing much to do with Lucky I will admit to almost not reading it. It was a big disappointment because I thought that Lucky really made that first book stand out. Then I saw who it was about, Isabeau, and I once again became interested. Not as much if it had been Lucky but close.
Isabeau was interesting and I am glad to have read the book. Alyxandra really gives Isabeau life. She has many dimensions that you see build up around her starting from the present and extending to when she was sixteen, two years before she became a vampire. Unlike the first book this one is not so much centered around the relationship between the main characters as it is around Isabeau and moving on from what the British lord did to her. While this book may have a more serious theme to it there is still plenty of humor and wit from every character.
My biggest problem with the book is that some lines are used just a little too many times. I may just be nit picking but I felt like I had too many moments where I thought deja vu. Also while I may have taken three years of high school French but many people haven't and even I did know every word that was said in French I would have liked if some of the French had been translated for us.
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