I have made a standard for myself to post at least one post everyday. No matter what it says. I wish I could say that it only takes me a day to read any book but even I am not that fast a reader. I need at the least two days. Although if the book is short enough or just that interesting and I have enough time I am able to read a book in one day. The book that I am currently reading is Witch & Wizard and I am finding it really awesome. I however have something to admit. If you look over in the coming soon column you will notice how many books that are there. Most of the books are from the library. My issue is that I continually check out books faster than I can read them. For example today I returned seven books and yet I checked out ten of them. Not good. Although the fact that I only like the Vista library even though there is the Oceanside library so much closer stops me from going to the library more than once a week if not once every two weeks. I realize that I am high maintance but I like my library to be easily navagateable for me. I don't appreciate the maze that is the Oceanside library. That or the fact the the last time that I went to return a book we could not for the life of us find the book return drop. How are people supposed to return books to the library when the place is closed if there is no where to return them? So if you excuse me I will stick the the Vista library. What was the point of this rant? Because I can not seem to remember what it was or even if it had one to begin with.
On a lighter note I think that everyone should watch Pushing Daisies because it is an awesome show. Unlike a lot of shows that I like this one has a story line to it and I just really enjoyed it.
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