
Monday, August 23

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Program to Announce. . .


I got this book from this really awesome website called Random Buzzers. It is there that you can earn Buzz Bucks for participating in activities. If you get enough Buzz Bucks you can get free books from the store that is on the site. Most things cost either 15,000 or 20,000 buzz bucks but it is easy enough to get the points. Since I have been waiting for this book since August 16 which honestly is a very short time since it came from New York and it said that it would take four to six week to arrive, I have decided to take a short break from my other books to read this one. I would also like to say, "I got five visitors, I got five visitors, I got five visitors, hey hey hey!" That means that three people have come to this site since I abandoned my old one. I do not care if anyone came on here by accident, they still visited! There goes me trying to make myself believe that I don't care about the amount of visitors I get.

Alright I am back to my regular uncaring self.


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