
Monday, September 12

Synonym for Bored

I am bored of the title of my blog and I really dislike how my title and web address don't exactly match. So I have a plan. I am going to change it. I am also going to:
  • Participate in more memes,
  • Comment on other blogs more,
  • Change up my review format,
  • And do a lot of other things that probably mean that I will be publishing more.
Okay. First things first. I need to think of an awesome blog name. Yikes. I suck at thinking up witty things on the spot. I also hope it will be shorter than the one that I have. If anyone has any suggestions please leave a comment and the worst thing that can happen is that I don't use it.

Where was I when they were handing out creativity?


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I encourage feedback because it reminds me that I am not talking to myself. I don't mind if you comment on my post, recommend a book, or just want to say hello. You can even have a conversation with each other. All civil correspondence is welcomed.

Don't forget to check back for my response