Title: My Life Undecided
Author: Jessica Brody
Publication: D & M Publishers, Inc. (2010)
ISBN 978-0-374-39905-4
Format: Paperback (320 pages)
Fifteen-year-old Brooklyn has been making bad decisions since, at age two, she became famous for falling down a nime shaft, and so she starts a blog to let others make every decision for her, while her community-service hours are devoted to a woman who insists Brooklyn read her "Choose the Story" books.
I am not quite sure why I was sent this book. I do know that a while back I was a went a little crazy with book requests but that was a while ago and I don't really remember if this happened to be one of them. I actually received four books and it was because of this package that I got inspired to read and review again. This book was also rather inspiring. Not in any life altering way but because of the fact that it is so different than all of the fantasy books that I had been so interested in reading before my hiatus. Before I get into the nitty gritty fun part I have an advance warning to give. I am doing a lot of things differently, very similar to before but different at the same time. Spoilers: there will be some. The rating is now just overall and the pictures are different. My tags are done by what genre I think of the book as. There are others but I don't really want to bore anyone. On to the main event.
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I really enjoyed this book. Brooklyn reminded me of Cordelia Chase from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She has all of these bad things happen to her and yet she doesn't really bat an eyelash at it beyond the scope of how it is inconveniencing her. She did things that I would have never done but she did them with flare.
Throughout the book her mishap with the mine shaft is mentioned and by the end I think I have a pretty good idea of what happened. Brooks (as she likes to be called) doesn't remember what happened those two days that she was down there. I thought that was just fine because I becomes quickly apparent that what happened is not really as important as that it did happen. In the beginning of the story she is being arrested for burning down a million dollar model home that her mother is trying to sell when she tries to make fajitas at an unauthorized party that her best friend suggested she throw. It is after this same party that said best friend decides to dump her by publicly humiliating her.
I didn't really get a very good sense of who Brooklyn was before all of this happened but I knew that I did not like Shayne from the beginning. Enter The Love Triangle. Yes, that is meant to be capitalized.
In this case we have the geek and the hotty with a Southern accent. Just to show that I am not just assuming that you automatically know the continent that I am talking about here are a couple of places he could be from since I don't really recall it ever being stated.
Hunter (the hotty) doesn't stand a chance against Brian (the geek) if only from my perspective. This is because Hunter is a very two dimensional character compared to Brian. In fact if I am honest most of the characters are pretty two dimensional. But that didn't really bother me. It was mostly about Brooklyn anyway. So Brooklyn makes a blog because now that she has been given back the reigns to make choices for herself she doesn't think that she can do it. This is where the blog comes in. Most of the blog readers seem pretty goody-goody and actually do choose for her the "right" choices. The choices that they make for her are not always the most important. They are actually very mundane ranging from what book to choose for school to whether she should watch a television show that was recommended for her by TiVo. Yet when she does them some of the results are more interesting than others.
I liked how she started to realize that the people in her circle weren't perfect when she see's that her sister, who she has been so sure is perfect, can make bad choices just as easily as she can. There is no perfection even though she herself had been striving for it for the last five years.
I liked how she started to realize that the people in her circle weren't perfect when she see's that her sister, who she has been so sure is perfect, can make bad choices just as easily as she can. There is no perfection even though she herself had been striving for it for the last five years.
Overall I obviously really liked the story. It was interesting, different, free, and Brooklyn happened to remind of Cordelia Chase. The reason this is for those of you who are wondering is because I have recently decided to watch the first four seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Cordelia is one of the only characters that I like. As to why I am stopping at season four I give you four words: Dawn and Jumping The Shark. And yes I do know that the expression was created because of The Fonz from Happy Days.
My favorite scenes had to be 0. Rugby tryouts, (He he, so funny, especially if you have my imagination.)
1. the make out scene in the bathroom, (I am still a girl!)
2. When Brian's dog Dudley makes an appearance, (Golden Poodles are adorable.)
and 3. When Brooklyn is held hostage. (This is where she reminded me the most of Cordelia Chase.)
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