
Sunday, April 10

The Wall and the Wing by Laura Ruby

Title: The Wall and the Wing
Author: Laura Ruby
Publication: HarperCollins (2006)
ISBN 0060752556
Format: Hardcover, 336 pages
Series: Yes. The Wall and the Wing
                     The Chaos King       


In one vast
and sparkling city,
everyone can fly.

Almost everyone.

A few, nicknamed leadfeet, are sentenced by a trick of nature or fate to forever spend their lives closer to the ground. But one night, a girl named Gurl--a leadfoot, an orphan, a nobody--discovers that she can do something much better than fly.

She can become invisible.

This amazing power will help her uncover the secret mysteries of the city. But even with her new found talent, Gurl can't seem to hide from a giant rat man with a taste for cats, a manipulative matron with a penchant for plastic surgery, and a belligerent boy named Bug.

Gradually Gurl learns to control her power and teams up with Bug to figure out who and what she is. Their quest will take them on a wild ride through this magical city, where they'll confront chatty birds and mind-bending monkeys, and eccentric genius with a head full of grass and a pocket full of kittens, and the handsome but lethal Sweetcheeks Grabowski--the gangster who holds the key to Gurl's past . . . and the world's future.


I had received the second book of this series ages before I even realized that this book was a series. Years later I have finally read the first book. It was very weird to be going backwards but at the same time it was okay because while the book did not have the surprise ending that it was meant to have I still fully enjoyed the plot. There were some things however that I felt should have been better explained. Especially since they become important for the second book where they are still not really explained. So maybe that should really be a complaint for the second book. I am proud to say that I have finally gotten off of my great behind to update these reviews. I like to blame homework and sometimes it is because of school that I do not really update my blog but for the most part it is not. Back to The Wall and the Wing.

My favorite characters would have to have been the rats. They were awesome. Also how can anyone hate something that likes cats. I personally love all small furry animals. Even the dangerous ones. Although I like those ones at a distance and preferably with a ten inch barrier between me and them.

It has been forever since I read this book so I can not really say too many specific things but I will officially warn everyone right now that all of my reviews may contain small spoilers. Not huge ones just small ones. Over the course of how ever long I have been writing on this blog I have come to realize that you can't write a book review without giving away some spoilers to someone. Because it is simply impossible to do. So I am not really going to try.

So I do recommend that if you can read book meant for younger people that you read The Wall and the Wing because it was a good read in an interesting universe.

Oh, and before I forget: Jenny Pox has a sequel coming soon called Tommy Nightmare. If you haven't read Jenny Pox do so now so you can read Tommy Nightmare. It is good to be back.


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