
Sunday, January 2

Beasts and BFFs by Shannon Delany

A Bonus 13 to Life Prequel Story.

Meet Jessie Gillmansen as she realizes that things might not be what they seem in the town of Junction.

Title: Beasts and BFF's
Author: Shannon Delany
Publication: St. Martin's Griffin (2010)
Format: eBook
Price: Free

This is the first that I have heard about 13 to Life but from the little that I have read from this prequel I am really excited to  dig my teeth into the next one. It is interesting and funny and it makes me really want to know what is going to happen next.

This book had other things going for it also though. It being free on the top of the list. I have to say that even though this book does not really give much away about the plot of the book I have already fallen in love with the characters that I have seen. The book does end in a very open ended scene but that is to be expected from a prequel so I was not really all that annoyed. As for my favorite character I do not have one as this book was so short.


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