
Friday, November 26

Bad Girls Don't Die~ Katie Alender Review

Enjoyment: ☼

Plot: ☺

Characters: ☺☼

Setting: ☺☺

Overall: ☺

Alexis thought that she led a typically dysfunctional high school existence: dysfunctional like her parents' marriage; her doll-crazy, thirteen-year-old sister; and even her own antisocial, anti-cheerleader attitude.

When a family argument results in tearful sisterly bonding, Alexis realizes that her life is creeping from dysfunctional to dangerous, Kasey is acting stranger than ever: her blue eyes go green; she uses odd, old-fashioned language--and she even loses track of chunks of time, claiming to know nothing about her weird behavior. Their old house is changing, too. Doors open and close by themselves, water boils on an unlit stove, and an unplugged air conditioner turns the house cold enough for the girls to see their breath.

Alexis wants to believe it's all in her head, until these seemingly harmless occurrences become life-threatening--to her, to her family, and to her budding relationship with the student council vice president. Alexis knows she's the only person who can stop Kasey; but what if that green-eyed girl isn't even Kasey anymore.


After the first 100 pages I knew that this book would get no better. And yet I forced myself to sludge through the rest of the story. It was worse than torture.

Let us talk about Alexis. Can anyone be any more annoying than she was? All she did was insult people. It makes me wonder how I was even able to get three followers with how I rant and rave about some books. Unless that is why people go to this blog? Nah! She is a stereotypical antisocial bitch. And when I say antisocial I don't mean the joking one I mean the one that is synonymous with sociopath. All she does throughout the entire thing is complain and it is really stupid. She goes on and on and on about she does not like cheerleaders but does she really know them? The answer to that would be a big fat NO.

Moving on to Kasey. How come at the beginning of the book does it say that Kasey was mad science smart and yet through out the majority of the book we only see how dumb she is. Sadly there really was not that much to see of her as she spent most of her on page time possessed. And another thing how can you not notice something this big happening to someone that you see everyday? Alexis saw her sister's eyes change color and yet the best she can come up with is that her sister is insane.

Back to Alexis. I just could not stand her. She was a hypocrite. She was everything that she hated about everyone else. She also made me very happy that I am less observant than some males in the world. Sad but true. However I am sure many people who are not me will really enjoy this book. Luckily I don't dislike this book enough for a movie to be made out of it.

Off topic. But does anyone else think that the people behind Harry Potter are beating a dead horse at it fifth funeral? The Harry Potter fad has been and it has gone. It is over. The only place I want to see it anymore is at I am sick and tired of all of those Harry Potter weekend marathons that seem to happen every weekend. Just stop already. Please?


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