
Saturday, October 30

Tombstone Tea~ Joanne Dahme Review

Enjoyment: ☺

Plot: ☺☼

Characters: ☺☺☼

Setting: ☺☼

Overall: ☺☼

"Again, the cemetery was oddly silent.
From the top of the hill,
the tombstones glowed like thousands of
pearls against the dark velvet grass.
In a photograph, these stone-hewn jewels
would be stunning against this
otherworldly backdrop, But not now."

In order to fit in at her new school, Jessie accepts a dare to spend one night in a local cemetery. once inside the heavy iron entrance gate, Jessie encounters a handsome young boy named Paul. He tells her she is just in time to watch the rehearsal of Tombstone Tea, a memorial for those buried in the cemetery in which actors impersonate the deceased. But Jessie notices that there is something strange about these actors--something deadly.


I was lost since page on while I was reading this book. It starts with Jessie being made fun of for reasons that I really don't remember. Then she is dared to spend the night in the cemetery. Then you get to see the 'rehearsal' of the Tombstone Tea. After this the entire book is done in a different time in a different point of view entirely. Almost about half a book in Jessie's voice you are forced to read a completely different story. I did not like that. While I will admit that seeing a bit more of the history of the cemetery and why there are problems with it and a bit more with how Jessie fits in with the whole story it does not really help at all. The only way I was able to even pretend that Jessie even fit with the story was through assumption and guessing. Another big don't. When it was switched back to Jessie's point of view you were forced to guess what happened in the past few months that the author randomly skipped. Yet for some reason she is still as clueless as to what to do as I imagine she was in the beginning. Personally I would have liked it if we could have found out about the cemetery's past in the months following the rehearsal of the Tombstone Tea so long as we were not forced to skip so much time. I really don't know if it was just me but I became lost a lot throughout this book and I did not appreciate it.


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