I will be moving in October. My new blog will still be on Blogger but it will have a new name and new address.
Making up the new blog was a labor of love in that it took forever and I may have got a bit behind on my homework for a day or two. Never fear, I am now on top of that. Practically. I think. Yeah, I only have a few things to do and most of it is finished in my head.
But I digress. My blog is moving and it looks really cool. My new blog is called The War Between the Books and is located at http://warbetweenthebooks.blogspot.com/. I have the majority of the site set up but I am not officially moving the the new place until October.
On a slightly similar note: I am also moving houses. Won't tell you where I am now or the new place that I will be because that sounds dangerous but I will mention that I will be closer to my favorite library. It is just a twenty minute hop, skip, and jump away from my new front door.
Making up the new blog was a labor of love in that it took forever and I may have got a bit behind on my homework for a day or two. Never fear, I am now on top of that. Practically. I think. Yeah, I only have a few things to do and most of it is finished in my head.
But I digress. My blog is moving and it looks really cool. My new blog is called The War Between the Books and is located at http://warbetweenthebooks.blogspot.com/. I have the majority of the site set up but I am not officially moving the the new place until October.
On a slightly similar note: I am also moving houses. Won't tell you where I am now or the new place that I will be because that sounds dangerous but I will mention that I will be closer to my favorite library. It is just a twenty minute hop, skip, and jump away from my new front door.
On a completely different note: Who besides me wants this bed? You don't even have to use it as an actual bed. You can use it as a jungle gym or a really complicated couch.

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