
Tuesday, February 8

I Feel Like The Personification of Yuck

I should probably be doing homework. No I should be doing homework. My math teach has given up over 200 math problems and our deadline is 10:00. Tonight. And I feel horrible. It is not helping that lately I have been sleeping like a baby. And I do not mean that in the good way. I mean that in the way where I am waking up ever four hours and unable to fall back to sleep for three more. I have this weird headache where whenever I try to pin down where the pain is coming from it spreads to my entire head and when I don't it is like a constant thrum in my brain. My tummy hurts and the thought of even being ten feet from the kitchen makes me want to hurl. I hate being sick.

But that does not mean that you don't have to enjoy this awesome Calvin and Hobbes comic strip.

Ha Ha Ha! It is always nice to know that someone probably feels worse than you do at any given time.

I mean. Tut tut. How sad.


  1. Aw, I hope you feel better soon!

    That is a very funny Calvin and Hobbes though! I love C&H.

  2. @ Small Review -Thank you. And also I do feel a lot better. Four ibuprofen pills can go a long way.

    I adore Calvin and Hobbes. I went through this phase in elementary school where whenever I had money I would buy a Calvin and Hobbes book. I have around ten of them now.


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