
Sunday, September 12

Honey Bees

I have interests/obsessions with a handful of activities. They include but are not limited to:reading, writing, photography, knitting, sewing, cooking, baking, and raising various animals. While some of these obsessions come and go throughout the year others stay. For example, I like to read all year long and I read as much as I can.

The point of saying this is because right now I really really want to have a hive of bees. I know that I should probably just ignore this because it most likely will have a short shelf life. Fortunately, I know this about myself so that I do not give into these urges easily. What I do is simple. I first see how much this hobby would cost me and I start to save money, then I wait and do research. The reason that I wait is to see if I raise the money before I loose interest. I on the off chance I have the money before I loose interest I don't know what I would do. That actually has never happened before.

Currently I really love bees. I love honey everyday but right now I really like bees. I am planning to check out a bunch of library book on them the next time I go but because my favorite library is in Vista and I live in Oceanside so while it is not across the universe it is a considerable drive to ask my mother to go every week. We are poor. So far I have read a lot of websites of bees but so many of them contradict each other that it can get very annoying. Almost as annoying as when my second oldest sister, Laura, spend five minutes slamming the dang door because she is not smart enough to close the door on her own.

So far I really like this website HERE. Check it out!


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