
Tuesday, August 31

hippie chick~ Joseph Monninger Review

Fifteen-year-old Lolly (Short for Lollipop) Emmerson is a free spirit, cllled "the hippie child of a hippie woman" by others. Her favorite thing to do is sail her Boston Whaler in the Florida Keys. One night she runs into an underwater obstacle, and the boat founders. After Lolly is knowcked out and sepatated from her boat, she realizes that she's done for and accepts her fate. That's when the manatees arrive. Lolly forges a bond with these amazing creatures that defies explanation.

Enjoyment: ★★☆
While I liked the storyline I did not enjoy it as much as I thought that I would. The summary was much better than the actual book and because of many factors I did not really like this book.

Plot: ★☆
When I first read the sumamry on the inside cover of the book I thought that the plot would be mostly about how Lolly forges this bond with the manatees. That is not the case. All I read about was her long rambaling thoughts to herself. I was almost unaware of an actual plot line.

Characters: ★
There sadly is not much to say about the characters because he did not build up the characters. Not even the main character had much of a personality. She though about random junk through the whole book and even her annoying non stop talking did not sound actually genuine. It sounded more like what someone would say if they were trying to sound all deep but only come off as holier-than-thou and really annoying. I did not get a sense of any of the people and even though getting lost in the ocean for two days should make me feel bad for her I could not sympathize with her.

Flow: ★☆
The flow was horrendous. The entire thing was written in purple prose and after awhile the annoying flowery writing was enough to make me want to shoot myself in the foot. It just went on and on and on and . . . I hope you get the picture. Bad flow. Also none of the of chapters seemed to connect. They were so dang random and I can honestly say that I did not enjoy how it was organized.

Grade: ★☆
I did not like it all that much.


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